18 PlayStation games added to collection
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18 PlayStation games added !
Batman & robin, Metal Gear Solid, Carmageddon, Colin Mc Rae Rally & 2.0, La série Duke Nukem, Driver, Final Fantasy IX, Gran Theft Auto 2...
299 N64 Roms Added
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We've uploaded 299 more n64 Roms and the set is now almost complete in EU, US and JAP.
Commodore 64 is out !

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Commodore 64 micro-computer is out on emurom with 10 emulators and nearly 25000 tape or cartridge archived !
Completion of the Gameboy Advance set
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The Gameboy Advance set has just been completed with almost 1000 Roms...
Emurom.net in English
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Welcome to Emurom.net in English. It's an early version of this website but it's here now !