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Picture Puzzle

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Picture Puzzle (UE).zip 450.12 KB NeoGeo pocket
Puzzle SNK Corporation / Success 2000 1 Controller Cartridge 03/06/2006 02/05/2024 132 times

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About game

The game has 220 total puzzles, 200 are initially unlockable, additional puzzles are unlocked once you complete the originals. At first you start off on a 10x10 grid but eventually you will work your way up to a 20x 20 grid. Obviously, the larger the grid becomes the more detailed and complex the puzzle. The game is played sort of like a cross words number puzzle... you are given hints and asked to fill in boxes in either a line or a column. For example on the 10x 10 grid you might see a line that says 10 next to it. This means all 10 boxes in the line are filled in. Also you might see a 5, 4 - this means fill 5 boxes, leave one, and fill the last 4. It gets trickier when the clue does not total 10. Then the only way to solve is by using logic and cross-referencing with nearby columns and lines to find a solution. There are several ways to make the process easier. For example, looking for symmetric clues can some times help you solve the puzzle from the middle out. Also locking down and edge gives you a sort of ''anchor'' from which to build. It’s definitely a battle of wits. When the puzzle is completed, it should look like some kind of picture. The game rewards you after each completion by coloring the puzzle and telling you what it is.


Image n° 1 - screenshots  : Picture Puzzle

Emulation NeoGeo pocket

  • Type : Handled console
  • Manufacturer : SNK
  • Media : Cartridge
  • Emulators count : 14
  • ROMs count : 173
  • BIOS count : 0
Emulation : NeoGeo pocket

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