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Le langage des fleurs

ALMOND BLOSSOM When light is dim and courage
POPPY In time of grief
YELLOW LILY It can be sweet on the tongue
FORGET ME NOT For its sweet sake
BUTTERCUP Surrounded by giants
ANEMONE If a dream is abandoned
CHRYSANTHEMUM Wise are they who seek it
CORNFLOWER Known by the priest
DAFFODIL It alleviates all pains
SUNFLOWER Oh it is splendid

Les signes

According to Greek légend
The element of brimstone
She was the patron of architects ATHENE
The name of her major
She was renowned for her wisdom
She was earlier know

Her sacred fire was tendered
She is the gardian
Her heart fire is VESTA
She was know to the Romans
In the ancient langage
She was the gardian of innermost

The Israelites burned incense
She was goddes of Byblos
She had a great shrives ASTARTE

Among her other names
King Solomon build
Her priestesses were famous

Her sacred élément is copper
Mirror a considered
The Roman Knew her VENUS
Her sacred day
One of the most important
The morning and evening star

Her sacred woman were titled
In Greek her name
To the Romans she was know CERES
She was a gardian of grains
Her major festival
She was renowned as the lawgiver

The yearly flod of the Nile
Another title for her is "Giver" ou "The one"

She gave birth to the sun ISIS
To the Egyptians she was
Her priests and servants


CYPRUS Where did Pygmalion live
ARES Who tranformed into a boar
IVORY Of what was the statue
PERSEPHONE Who fell in love with Adonis
WOMEN Whose compagny did Pygmalion
PHAEDRA Who did Aphrodite make to fall
HIPPOLYTUS Who was dragged to death
SIX What is Aphrodite sacred number

ZEUS Who ended the dispute
THESEUS What is the name of the King
CHARIOT Upon what did Hippolytus ride
APPLE In the kingdom of Flora
DOVE In the kingdom of Fauna
GREEKS To whay peaple was the goddess
ADONIS Whom did Aphrodite love
APHRODITE Whom did Pygmalion worship
LIFE What did Aphrodite give

Les énigmes

ECHO You heard me before

SNAIL If a man carried my burden
PEARL Lovely and round
TIME Until I am measured
BOAT Weight in my belly
WINE When young, I am sweet in the sun
RIDDLE To unravel me
MIRROR You can see nothing else
GLOVE When I am filled
WIND All about, but cannot be seen
WATERFALL Bright as diamonds
MUSIC At the sound of me, men may dream
KEY I turn around once

ICEBERG Lighter than what
GOLD I drive men mad
FIRE I am always hungry
WHEEL I go around in circles
SHADOW Each morning I appear
SIEVE I am only useful
BLUE I am seen in the water
WATER Three lives have I
ARROW When set loose
CANDLE My life can be measured in hours
ICICLE Glittering points
HEART If you break me

Emulateur au hasard