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Coccinelle (bootleg of Lady Bug, set 2)

Dateiinformationen 11.19 KB MAME
Plattform bootleg (Model Racing) / 1981 2 Schalttafel Kartusche 09/04/2021 09/04/2021 7 Zeiten

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jeu Coccinelle (bootleg of Lady Bug, set 2)
Note : 5.00 / - 1 vote(s)

MAME Spiel- / PCB-Informationen

0.230 Zilog Z80 4 Mhz

MAME Detail-Set

lb1b.cpu4.00 KB43b797f1882e0acbf6685deea82de77e78d2c917
lb2b.cpu4.00 KB9e2876d8390d2b072d064b197057089a25c13a4a
lb3b.cpu4.00 KBead222d2cd022ea3a4559e3cff08cabf2486eb68
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l5.j44.00 KB276275d56c725b9d90eeb44c317ceb06bac27ae7
lb6b.cpu4.00 KBffa5c3fc9d438e85cbe4fb33343dec664406fda7
l9.f74.00 KB58cb82417396a3d96acfc864f091b1a5988f228d
l0.h74.00 KB83a5b745e58844b6dd7d05dfe9dbb5959aaf5c40
l8.l74.00 KB0bc812cf872f04eacedb50feed53f1aa8a1f24b9
l7.m74.00 KBf8585a6fcf921e3e21f112dd2de474cb53cef290
10-2.k132 Byte4d7fea6d9ab31e5f280b1dc198a325f00c3826ef
10-1.f432 Byte85d13a9b78c47174cff7c869f52b30263bae575e
10-3.c432 Byte7cf59b7a37c156640d6ea91554d1c4276c1780e0


Image n° 1 - cabinets : Coccinelle (bootleg of Lady Bug, set 2) Image n° 2 - cpanel : Coccinelle (bootleg of Lady Bug, set 2) Image n° 3 - gameover : Coccinelle (bootleg of Lady Bug, set 2) Image n° 4 - pcb : Coccinelle (bootleg of Lady Bug, set 2) Image n° 5 - scores : Coccinelle (bootleg of Lady Bug, set 2)

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Emulation MAME

  • Typ : Arkade system
  • Hersteller :
  • Medien : Kartusche
  • Emulatoren zählen : 5
  • ROMs zählen : 34834
  • BIOS zählen : 34
Emulation : MAME

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